A good pest control warranty ensures a certified pest technician will provide long-term protection against pests. It guarantees the client’s ability to call BAMBAM back to your property to provide additional treatments if needed, at no additional cost.
Our warranty protects your property from the risk of future infestations, saving you time, money, and hassle. Additionally, a good pest control warranty provides peace of mind, knowing that you have a trusted professional on your side in the event of a pest infestation.
We can control an isolated pest infestation in one or two visits. Sometimes mother nature is extra persistent and when she is, BAMBAM’s warranty is there to help. For the highest level of protection, certain pests like termites and mosquitoes, require routine services which over time are more cost-effective and efficient. Many customers choose to extend their one-time service warranty by enrolling in a pest plan.
Under the protection of a BAMBAM Pest Plan, the client can call us out to service the pests specific to the plan anytime, even after the one-time service warranty expires. Whether you get a one-time pest control service or decide on a pest plan, our warranty guarantees great service and incentives our technicians to effectively address our client's needs from start to finish.